Pavel Narozhniy wrote:

 > Does anybody heard about SGI releasing XFS source code?

Yup, they're doing it.

I would guess that FreeBSD would need a fairly thorough revamp of its
handling of kernel memory allocation before XFS would be fully usable,
though:  XFS buffer management is pretty full-on.

The filesystem maintains its own pool of kernel buffers separate from
the VM page cache which it uses for aggregating I/O transfers (so that
if, say, you make 5 separate out-of-order I/Os which just happen to
blanket a contiguous region of a disk object, XFS will collapse them
into a single I/O; it'll also take small contiguous regions (extents)
and remap them into the next-power-of-two extent size as they grow.

I know I could probably see by looking at the source, but does FreeBSD
still impose a 64k limit on physical I/O operations?  That'll have
to go too...

   - mark

Mark Newton                               Email: (W)
Network Engineer                          Email:  (H)
Internode Systems Pty Ltd                 Desk:   +61-8-82232999
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