On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Dennis wrote:

> In  a nutshell, does anyone have a handle on the relative preformance of
> these are? 
> 333Mhz Celeron vs 333 Mhz PII

For a typical job mix, it is pretty close to a wash.  The PII seems
to have a slight advantage, on the order of 5%.  If you are compute
bound, and the task fits in cache, the Celery has an advantage,
since there is no wait state on cache hits.  The PII has a much
bigger cache, so even though cache hits are more expensive, they
are more likely.  I am pretty much unable to tell the difference
between a Celeron and a PII at the same clock.  The vast majority
of my desktop computing isn't compute bound, though.

David Scheidt

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