Hi everybody,

after wondering for two years why FreeBSD (2.2.x ... 3.2) might lock up
when an NFS server is down, I think I have found one reason for that (see
kern/12609 - I now know it doesn't belong to kern - sorry).

It is the implementation of getcwd (src/lib/libc/gen/getcwd.c). When
examining the parent dir of a mounted filesystem, getcwd lstats every
directory entry prior to the mountpoint to find out the name of the
mountpoint (but it would only need the inodes's device to do a rough 

If one of the prior entries point to another NFS mountpoint and that one
is down, getcwd will wait till the mountpoint is up again.... This of
course applies to all routines which use getcwd, e.g. realpath.

This is especially funny since mountd calls realpath (from the RPC
handler!!!!) to check mount points, so when to machines mount dirs from
each other, they can lock up, e.g. at boottime (see kern/12609...)

I don't fully understand whether the problem is still present in 3.x,
since getcwd may call __getcwd to do the job, but as I understand from the
sources, __getcwd may fail and then you're back with the problem.

Anyhow, how can this be resolved (except for symlinking all mountpoints)?
Must getcwd really do an lstat to find out an inodes device?? Is there no
other syscall to do that? (I mean: this information must be present
somewhere, without going over the net, right?) Unfortunately I don't
now such a syscall.

In my opinion getcwd should be implemented differently, but maybe some
people have a differen opinion on that (And I am not sure how to do that 

Any suggestions?

best regards

Physikalisches Institut der Universitaet Bonn
Nussallee 12
D-53115 Bonn

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