On Sun, 18 Jul 1999 sth...@nethelp.no wrote:

> > > As I said, I used ttcp. ttcp is a "network only" test - it can source
> > > or sink traffic itself. This is nice because you avoid other sources of
> > > problems (disk bandwidth etc). I tended to run the tests for 30 seconds
> > > to one minute.
> > 
> >     Oops, must have missed that one.  How do I do the ttcp test?  
> By reading the man page?

        The manpage doesn't really say anything about how to use ttcp...

> (This is no longer freebsd-hackers stuff, methinks...)
> ttcp -r on the receiver and ttcp -t on the sender is a good start.
> Proceed from there.

Vince - vi...@mcestate.com - vi...@gaianet.net           ________   __ ____ 
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