On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, eT wrote:

> Hi, I noticed that my ld path was using the old libqt in /usr/X11R6/lib and 
> not the new
> one I have in /usr/local/qt/lib.

That would do it too :^)

> Problem I am getting now is libstdc++ problem:  ld.elf complains:
> libstdc++.so.3: undefined symbol __ti9exception

You're compiling something without exceptions (-fno-exceptions).  Check
again Qt, kdelibs, kdebase.  And possibly if you built world recently,
check the CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS that were used to build world too.

- alex

You wear guilt,
like shackles on your feet,
Like a halo in reverse
  - Depeche Mode

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