On Mon, 10 May 2010, Lev Serebryakov wrote:

I'm proting some application from Linux, which discover its stack bounds by reading and pasing "/proc/self/maps". FreeBSD have "/prov/curproc/map", but I can not find how to determine which record is for stack (I've looked into implementation of proc_fs, but it doesn't contain any specail processing for process stack).

 How could I determine stack bounds of current process on FreeBSD 7/8/9?

The "procstat -v" command in 8.x and 9.x will give this information based on sysctls; we're about to integrate a libprocstat(3) library which will provide a public API for this information. I'd agree with Kostik that you should think carefully about whether the application really needs this information :-).

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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