On 16/04/2011, at 13:14, rank1see...@gmail.com wrote:
>> There IS no "solution" because it isn't really a problem.
> It is mine GOAL, to achieve.
>> You still didn't reply to my asking why you need to know..
> Why?!
> Because!
> Why, why, why ...?
> God told me!
> Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
> Why ...
> Is it really a relevant for this discussion?!

Yes, because there is no concept of single user mode to the kernel. That's why 
there is no sysctl for it.

> I truly prefer focusing on a goal and finding a way of achieving it.
> Your question is just an open road for an endless chater, with many new 
> roads, for splitting into endless subchaters ...
> I wana create an sh function, which returns 0 if sys is in SUM or return 1 
> if in MUM.
> Then I can use that function, wherever I want.

Get used to it,

> If I use geli encryption AND I am upgrading from 8.2 to 8.3, then upon 
> rebuild of whole system, I must install kernel and world in a ONE SHOT! 
> (Just a rebuild of a same version of OS doesn't require this)
> So I need to drop into SUM and install kernel and world, NOT regulary 
> install kernel, then reboot into SUM and then install world!
> This is just a one scenario ...
> Now that does it!
> Do you know, or not, what should I look for, to prove that I am in SUM? (As 
> human I know when I am in SUM, as I initiate it, but scripts are retards, 
> so they need it, not me ...)
> Simple as that.

I think you're looking at it the wrong way.
It isn't that being in multi user mode causes a problem as such, it's because 
something happens when you run /etc/rc which causes the problem.

Your example doesn't say why you need to be in single user mode when using 
geli.. The only reason you need to be in single user mode during an upgrade is 
so that running programs don't find libraries ripped out from under them and 
then they crash.

In that case you don't need to reboot into single user mode, you just make sure 
there aren't any non-kernel processes (besides sh) which are running.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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