On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 6:31 AM, Daniel Braniss <da...@cs.huji.ac.il> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a host, providing mainly http/postgres service, and its
> swap usage is increasing. Is there any way to check which process
> is using swap space?
> some facts
>  it's running 8.2-stable/amd64
>  has 24gb of memory
>  zfs seems to be ok, arc size too.
>  top says 32G in use, while vmstat avm is around 2G (can't figure this one)
>  top seems to be concervative as to free memory vs. vmstat
>  it's dataless.
> the swap usage is monotonic increasing, but it will take some 20 days
> to exhaust the space, it will hang before that :-( - which
> is what I'm trying to find why

ps ax

If second character of state column is W, the process is swapped out.

Adam Vande More
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