On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Peter Grehan <gre...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> I'm proposing an extension framework for the bootinfo structure used
>> to pass information from the bootstrap/loader to the kernel. Although
>> I'm only proposing this for the MIPS bootinfo, it's completely
>> applicable to any of them.
>> What I propose is adding an optional platform extension structure:
>> bootinfo_pext, surrounded by #ifdef BOOTINFO_PEXT
>  Any reason not to put the vendor bits into another piece of loader metadata
> ? That seems the extensible way to add additional info from the loader,
> rather than extending bootinfo (as was the case pre-loader days).
> later,

It sounds like they're not using loader, which is probably a
reasonable thing for their environment.

Peter Wemm - pe...@wemm.org; pe...@freebsd.org; pe...@yahoo-inc.com; KI6FJV
"All of this is for nothing if we don't go to the stars" - JMS/B5
"If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete
themselves upon execution." -- Robert Sewell
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