On Thu, 15 Sep 2011, K. Macy wrote:

Why are you making an MD guess, the amount of padding to fit the size of a cache line, in MI API ? Strangely enough, you did not make this assumption in, say r205488 (picked randomly).

It has been several years, and I haven't done any work in svn in over a year, I don't remember. I probably meant to refine it in a later iteration.

If you would like to send me a patch addressing this I'd be more than happy to apply it if appropriate. Otherwise, I will deal with it some time after 9 settles.

Thanks for pointing this out.

I'm not sure if gcc (and friends) allow __aligned(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) to be used on individual elements of a struct (causing appropriate padding to be added), but that may be one option here. Of course, that introduces a further alignment requirement on the struct itself, so a moderate amount of care would need to be used.

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