On 3/6/2012 11:19 AM, Adam Vande More wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Brandon Falk <bfalk_...@brandonfa.lk
> <mailto:bfalk_...@brandonfa.lk>> wrote:
>     I'd plan to have it do more than just lines and dots. Pretty much anything
>     you'd
>     need to set up a basic interface with text, boxes, maybe circles. Just an 
>     similar to OpenGL for 2d graphics minus shading and lighting. Think of
>     anything
>     you'd need for making simple 2d apps, and I'd throw it in.
> Sounds like you are reinventing SDL.
> -- 
> Adam Vande More

SDL is massive to what I plan on doing, and SDL is dependent on X11. I don't
plan on making it powerful enough to really do any graphics, although I'd branch
the driver, one for minimal use in a high resolution terminal environment, and
the other could be for maybe designing a whole new future for even games and 

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