On 4/2/2012 11:43 AM, Joe Greco wrote:
> As a user, you can't win.  If you don't report
> a problem, you get criticized.  If you report a problem but can't figure
> out how to reproduce it, you get criticized.  If you can reproduce it
> but you don't submit a workaround, you get criticized.  If you submit a
> workaround but you don't submit a patch, you get criticized.  If you
> submit a patch but it's not in the preferred format, you get criticized.

I'm still not sure what you're taking as criticism. Nothing I've said
was intended that way, nor should it be read that way. If you feel that
you've been criticized by others in the manner you describe, you should
probably take it up with them on an individual basis.

My experience of FreeBSD as a community is that we tend to be both less
critical of users, and less tolerant of it. Especially when compared to
other communities that I've interacted with.



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