Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> But the two *really* interesting things about the FreeBSD code is:
>         You can change your timecounter on the fly.  This allows
>         the machine to boot using maybe the TSC, then load the
>         bitcode on the xrpu board, initialize the hardware on the
>         xrpu and start to use that as the timecounter.
>         If the hardware can be read atomically, no interrupt
>         locking is used.  This means on a multi-CPU system you
>         will not have block interrupts to figure out what time
>         it is, in fact all CPUs can find out what time it is
>         *at the same time*, without interferring with each other.
> I belive those two features are unique to FreeBSD at this time.

We need to write benchmarks that place heavy emphasis on these features,
then. :-)

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

                He has been convicted of criminal possession of a clue with intent to

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