On Jun 11, 2012, at 6:21 PM, Brandon Falk <bfalk_...@brandonfa.lk> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I was just wondering what it is that FreeBSD does that makes it take so long 
> to boot. Booting into Ubuntu minimal or my own custom Linux distro, literally 
> takes 0.5-2 seconds to boot up to shell, where FreeBSD takes about 10-20 
> seconds. I'm not sure if anything could be parallelized in the boot process, 
> but Linux somehow manages to do it. The Ubuntu install I do pretty much 
> consists of a shell and developers tools, but it still has a generic kernel. 
> There must be some sort of polling done in the FreeBSD boot process that 
> could be parallelized or eliminated.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> Note: This isn't really an issue, moreso a curiosity.
> -Brandon
> _____________________________________________

In amd64 builds the system checks it's ram twice . Early in the boot phase 
using a slower method , and latter using a faster SMAP method. In 9.0-RELEASE 
you can disable the early men check via a loader tunable ,  here is a snip it 
from the release notes on 9.0 . It should also be mfc'd to 7, and 8 stable. 

[amd64, i386, pc98] A loader(8) tunable hw.memtest.tests has been added. This 
controls whether to perform memory testing at boot time or not. The default 
value is 1 (perform a memory test).[r224516]

The next it is switch to a modular kernel  this speeds up boot times be 
omitting kernel items you do not need, you can also do this via with a static 
kernel by removing / disabling unused options . Look at the Archives for ha 
hackers there is a ton of info on this. 

Most of the rest of the boot up time is  via init / rc'ng starting an 
configuring things . Right now this is not parallel-ized out the box . Pc-bsd 
has something called fastboot ? I am am not sure how it works but it improves 
load time in their setups . See 

Other then that, there  are some other things being developed check the FreeBSD 
wiki for a rc.ng management daemon frs or fsr ? 


Mark saad | mark.s...@longcount.org

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