Hi list,

I'm looking at this possible divide-by zero in dhclient: 

In this specific case, it's obvious from the intention of the code that 
ip->client->interval is always >0, but it's not obvious to me in the code. I 
could add an assert before the possible divide-by-zero:

assert(ip->client->interval > 0);

But looking at the code, I'm not sure it's very elegant. ip->client->interval 
is defined as time_t (see src/sbin/dhclient/dhcpd.h), which is a signed integer 
type, if I'm correct. However, some time_t members of struct client_state and 
struct client_config (see said header file) are assumed in the code to be 
positive and possibly non-null. Instead of plastering the code with asserts, is 
there something like an utime_t type? Or are there better ways to enforce the 

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