----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl Pielorz" <kpielorz_...@tdx.co.uk>
To: <freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 11:12 AM
Subject: Threaded 6.4 code compiled under 9.0 uses a lot more memory?..

Hi All,

Can anyone think of any quick pointers as to why some code originally written under 6.4 amd64 - when re-compiled under 9.0-stable amd64 takes up a *lot* more memory when running?

The code involved is a sendmail Milter, and a TCP server type program (that runs up a large number of threads [~700] at startup).

Both were previously compiled with:

-O2 -pthread -lc_r

They're now compiled under 9.0-S with just:

-O2 -pthread

As an example, under 6.4 the size/res for one reported by top is 81Mb/48Mb - and for the other is 44Mb/9Mb [this is after it's been running for weeks].

Under 9.0-stable the initial memory used by the processes just after starting rises to 625Mb/128Mb and 519Mb/65Mb respectively.

Is that something I need to worry about?

They've not been running longing enough yet to see if anything is 'leaking' (i.e. if size/res continues to go up). Just thought I'd ask if there's a simple/possible explanation for this - and if it's something I need to worry about...

amd64 vs i386?


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