On 12/22/12 8:46 AM, Ed Maste wrote:
When this knob is set standalone debug files for shared objects are
built and installed in /usr/lib/debug/<so pathname>.debug.  GDB
searches this path for debug data.

The -g flag is automatically added to CFLAGS if debug files are enabled
(but the shared objects are still installed stripped, if DEBUG_FLAGS is
not set).
This is a refinement of my earlier change for shared object standalone
debug.  This patch also includes the following changes:

- Change GDB's standalone debug file path to the default /usr/lib/debug.

- Change debug file extension from 'symbols' to 'debug', in line with
   GDB's documentation.  I initially followed the kernel build example
   in choosing .symbols, but .debug more accurately represents the use
   of these files.

This looks promising. After this patch, running "gdb ./a.linked.with.libc.so.out" should work without any extra thinking?

I'll give it a shot.

We should enable this flag by default. A big FreeBSD strength is our debugging system.

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