In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Peter Pentchev writes:
: Hmm..  I've also received two private mails so far, pointing me to setuid().
: The problem is, I want to force a new UID on *another* process without
: its knowledge.  setuid() only works on the process invoking it, so
: both the 'force' and the 'without its knowledge' part fall by the wayside :(

I think the reaction to this by the security officer team would be
        a) extreme
and     b) negative.

The security implications are huge.

: The security implications I meant have to do with the ability to provide
: either a tool or a sysctl to change the uid of any running process
: on the system - that would have to include stringent controls on exactly
: who and why uses this tool/sysctl.  I have some ideas about this,
: but they need some more grinding before they're ready to be tossed
: at the world for discussion (and dissing ;)

I'd make it a full syscall, not just a sysctl.  I'd also make sure
that only root and no body else could use it.

Maybe I should back up a step and ask what it is you are trying to
accomplish here.


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