Could someone please take a look at this bug report (bin/176713) and
also at the simple patch that I provided to fix the problem?

This is quite a serious problem, and my PR has been pending with no
action since Wed, 6 Mar 2013.


P.S.  Please note that in reality, I do not believe that it is necessary
to add a new -q option in order to preserve backwards compatability, however
I proposed one because in my experience there is always going to be some
purist who will claim that *any* change in semantics, however small or
helpful, in *any* software ``may'' break something.  In reality, the
problem in this can most easily be solved simply by removing the one

        shutdown(nfd, SHUT_WR);

entirely from the source, rather than making it conditional on -q, as I
suggested in my PR, bin/176713.

P.P.S.  I have just realized that yet one more critical enhancement for
nc is called for, and I will be filing a separate and additional PR for
that soon.  I hope that someone will be able to take a look at that as
soon as it is filed.
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