You need to open the "device-side" of the tunnel (/dev/tun0) before the
interface is created.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan
 Phoenix writes:
>[root@elrond conf]# ifconfig tun0 up
>ifconfig: interface tun0 does not exist
>[root@elrond conf]# ls -al /dev/tun0
>crw-------   1 uucp     dialer    52,   0 Dec 12 13:30 /dev/tun0
>[root@elrond conf]# 
>this is confusing me....trying to get vtund working in ports collection.
>tun device is in GENERIC kernel when i checked
>and exist in /dev as per test above.....yet
>it tells me it does not exist!
>| -----            Daniel Phoenix      Mail to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]            |   | 
>| |   /     ___    ____              ____    |____      ____       |   |     
>| |  /   |/      /    |  \      /   |    \   |    \    |    \    __|__ |
>| |  \   |      |     |   \    /    |____/   |     |   |____/      |   |
>| |   /          |      |     |    \  /     |        |     |   |           |   |
>| |__/           |       \____\     \/       \____   |     |    \____      |   |
>        mv /lib/ /lib/;echo "Damnit"
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Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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