I realize this is a well-known problem.  Although there's much
discussion about it in the mailing list archives, I couldn't find an
actual solution.

I've got a Belkin OmniView Pro 8-Port KVM switch which thinks it's
much smarter than it really is.  When I try to use the mouse through
it with FreeBSD (-current from around Christmas, but I also had
problems with -stable) it doesn't work right at all.  It's got the
same symptoms everybody else has reported: the cursor jumps around,
and lots of "psmintr: out of sync" messages get logged.

I found a posting in -hackers where Kazutaka YOKOTA

> You can force FreeBSD to use the mouse as the standard PS/2 mouse by
> specifying the flags 0x200 to the psm driver.  This way, the mouse
> should always work.  But, you cannot use the wheel.

However, setting that flag hasn't helped me at all.  Here are the
relevant parts of "/var/run/dmesg.boot" from a verbose boot-up:

    psm0: current command byte:0047
    psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> flags 0x200 irq 12 on atkbdc0
    psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 255-ffffffff, 2 buttons
    psm0: config:00000200, flags:00000000, packet size:3
    psm0: syncmask:c0, syncbits:00

The mouse itself is a no-name 2-button PS/2 mouse.  It doesn't have a
wheel or anything else "extra".  It works fine when connected directly
to the computer.

I have also tried various combinations of flags 0x100 (NOCHECKSYNC)
and 0x400 (NORESET) without any luck.

The useless mouse behavior happens with moused and with XFree86 + no
moused.  It happens whether I specify the protocol as "ps/2" or as

The KVM switch claims to have "Microsoft Intellimouse support and
emulation."  However, in the troubleshooting section of its manual it
says you should make sure your driver is "either for a Standard PS/2
or Microsoft-compatible PS/2" mouse."

I don't care about wheels, and I'm even willing to get by with only 2
buttons.  I don't mind hacking up the psm driver if necessary.  I just
want the mouse to work with this switch.

Any suggestions?

  John Polstra                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Disappointment is a good sign of basic intelligence."  -- Chögyam Trungpa

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