Gerhard Sittig wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 16:33 +1000, Greg Black wrote:

> > > BTW:  There's good news for those with a dislike regarding
> > > the change:  While testing I'm stuck again, so there will be
> > > some more delay.
> > 
> > Previously we were told that this stuff had already been tested
> > for years under another OS and was therefore robust and
> > reliable.  Now we learn that these claims are not correct.  And
> > you wonder why people are reluctant to even consider these
> > changes ...
> "We were told UNIX had been around for some thirty years, is said
> to be functional / reliable / flexible / add whatever you use and
> love UNIX for.  And now we learn it doesn't even work easily for
> those simple tasks as networking / printing / gaming / etc are?"
> Excuse me, please?  Could it be that you got more from my
> messages than what I actually said?

Please read more carefully.  I said: "we were told that this
stuff had already been tested for years [...]".  I did not say
who made this claim, although I assumed that those few people
who are following this thread would have remembered who it was.

The claim /was/ made.  I suggested that it was invalid.  I still
think that.

As for the implementation issues that you covered in detail, I
have no comment as I'm not interested in reviewing the code for
a change that I see no case for.

> I understand that having the clock jump is a Bad Idea(TM).
> Especially when it is jumping backward since this violates the
> model we have of time (*always* monotonously increasing [...]

It may be monotonous, but it's supposed to be monotonically

> And I realize that the DST topic is anything but trivial, cannot
> be handled by my ported patch and actions can easily do harm when
> done incorrectly.  The only solutions turn out to be
> - education [...]

Not such a bad method.  We use it for all the "How do I remove a
file named -x?" questions -- we don't "fix" rm or the way the
shells parse commands.

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