At 01:38 PM 12/19/2000, David Greenman wrote:
> >> Your stupidity is also is emphasized by the fact that no major 
> manufacturer
> >> has supported drivers for freebsd. Intel wont even help by providing 
> docs.
> >> Bravo. What a WIN for the freebsd community. You've done a tremendous job
> >> marketing your concept.
> >
> >So that's why Intel provides free bound copies of their IA-64 books and 
> PDF's
> >of the other chip manuals, PXE manuals, etc.  I guess all those data sheets
> >I've seen Bill Paul pore over while working on his ethernet drivers were 
> just
> >figments of my imagination as well.
>    I think he's refering to the 82559 manual. It is available from Intel to
>developers, but only with an NDA. For various reasons, I can't sign an NDA
>for that information without putting myself in legal jeopardy. That has always
>been true, but I was able to obtain the [now older] 82557 manual without an
>NDA due to a screwup at Intel - which allowed me to write the original fxp
>driver. Unfortunately, a few things have changed since then, especially in
>the SEEPROM area and the only method I have of fixing those problems these
>days is by reverse-engineering.

The 82559 manual is available online, as is a full driver with source for 
the eepro100 board for linux written by intel. I guess they changed their 
policy on the part. I've tested the linux driver with the new part on the 
supermicro board and it works, so the driver is reasonably up to date.

It would seem that all of the answers needed are in one of the 2, but 
without knowing much about the controller at this point, its all a bit 
cryptic to me. Its seems that there are some extensions for the 82558 and 
82559 parts which is probably the problem.

I spent a couple of hours on it but its a substantial learning curve to 
learn the part to fix what is most likely a small problem. Perhaps someone 
else has more time than I do.



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