On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 07:24:06PM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Luigi Rizzo writes:
> : i actually wonder, aren't there removable disk frames which support
> : hot swap (by turning off power with the keylock, or the like) ?
> I've not seen any, but I suppose they exist.  The TAPR ones, however,
> definitely are not those beasts.  they are simple and don't support
> hotswap.
> : Plus, it is actually curious that you can fry the IDE controller,
> : the simplest ones used to be just a couple of '245 and an
> : address decoder...
> I think that the main problem is lack of good grounding causing large
> transients when the card is removed.  But I could be wrong about
> that.  Each time I fried one it was definitely a remove + insert
> sequence.

Thanks for all the input :-) I will stop my hot-swap experiments here and
now. To think that a few stupid TTL buffer chips would have made it
possible to hotswap :-(


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