Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > >   + put some conditional-compilation code in boot1.s
> > >   + have a separate file, say bootrom.s, maybe in the same directory
> > >     as the existing boot1
> > >   + pass the modified code to the etherboot people so they can include
> > >     in their source tree.
> > >
> > > in all sincerity i'd love to have this code in the FreeBSD source tree
> > > rather than have to resort to some external repository.
> >
> > My preference would be for a separate file in a separate directory,
> > more or less similar to cdldr and pxeldr; I'd be least keen on handling
> > this with conditional-compilation.
> ok.. do you mind then if i follow your advice and create /sys/i386/romldr/

Yuck, why don't just call it '/sys/i386/romloader/'? I thought the
cryptic 8 char name times are over by some years. With "ldr" you
save exactly 3 characters but having the full name spelled out makes
it far easier on the first glance to see what this is about.

> and put there the modified boot1, makefile etc ?
> There has been no other feedback so i think most other people is neutral.
> On a separate issue, and for picobsd purposes, it would be very
> convenient to have yet another boot sector type that would just
> take an ELF kernel appended to it, load into memory and start it.
> I suppose this would be a variant of boot2, but do you have any
> idea on how complex would it be to write such a beast ?
> If we had it, we could just 'dd' the boot code and the kernel onto
> a compactflash and boot from it without having to worry about
> creating a filesystem.

That would be really cool!


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