On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 10:30:08AM -0600, Peter Seebach wrote:
> For that matter, is the fxp still the most-recommended driver on Alpha?

It *never* has been the recommended driver on FreeBSD/Alpha.  The fxp
driver has had issues on Alpha for a long time.  Andrew will fix
something with it, then it breaks again for some, etc...  DG has an
Alpha, but I don't think he has ever turned it on.  He certainly has
never done and Alpha-specific fxp fixes that I am aware of.

The `guaranteed to work on Alpha driver' is anything supported by the
`de' driver, as that is what the built-in NIC is on older Alpha's so OS's
have no choice but deal with them.  After that, I would say any of the
`xl' 3Com cards.  Bill Paul tested his just about all his drivers on an
Alpha when developing them.  The really nice thing about the `xl' 3Com
cards is they don't have the alignment requirements of most of the other
NICs in existence.  Thus you can get really good performance on the
Alpha.  Behind the `xl' 3Com cards, would be any DEC 21143 based NIC
which is supported by Bill Paul's `dc' driver.  The nice thing about `de'
and `dc' cards is SRM recognizes them.

> I got the impression there were some alignment issues that
> might be cheaper to solve on i386 than Alpha.

Both `xl' and `fxp' cards do not have strict alignment issues (which
makes them very nice and reduces a memory copy).  The problems with the
`fxp' cards is simply how its driver works on the Alpha.
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