On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 01:19:31AM -0800, Alex Zepeda wrote:
> However, even the pgcc web page describes -O2 as safe. 

I won't even to there...
> Yes, scanning thru the ML leads me to believe some of these optimizations
> are pretty much untested.  Which is kinda funny, since the ia32 bits are
> the most used ones or so it seems.

Not untested -- but you should go grab a graduate text on compiler
optimizations and familiarize yourself with the complexity of the problem.

If hello_world.c showed a problem with an optimization, I guarantee it
would be fixed.  The current test case of holding up the entire FreeBSD
kernel as showing an optimization problem doesn't cut it.  If you care to
trim it down to a single module showing the problem....

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