First let me say to anyone reading the email I am replying to: 

 ____           _   _  ___ _____        _         _   _     _     
|  _ \  ___    | \ | |/ _ \_   _|    __| | ___   | |_| |__ (_)___ 
| | | |/ _ \   |  \| | | | || |     / _` |/ _ \  | __| '_ \| / __|
| |_| | (_) |  | |\  | |_| || |    | (_| | (_) | | |_| | | | \__ \
|____/ \___/   |_| \_|\___/ |_|     \__,_|\___/   \__|_| |_|_|___/

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 12:58:04PM -0700, Matt Simerson wrote:
>   # cd /usr/src
>   # make buildkernel KERNEL=<KERNEL_CONFIG_FILE_NAME> 
>   # cd /usr/src; make buildworld
>   # make installworld
>   # make installkernel
>   # mergemaster
>   # reboot

The order or "make buildworld" and "make buildkernel" are 100% totally

Lets explain why:  There are times when the kernel source is changed to
use constructs of newer compiler/assembler/linker tools.  Thus the kernel
will not build with an older set of tools.  The what "make buildkernel"
does is use the tools (ie, those built from the most up to date sources)
that are built during "make buildworld" to compile a new kernel.  Thus
"make buildworld" must PROCEED "make buildkernel".

Second, the install order above is not the conservative, careful
approach.  One should issue "make installkernel && reboot" after the
"make buildkernel" to ensure the new kernel works sufficiently well.  If
not, one can always fall back to ``kernel.old''.  Since there is no
``world.old''; after one does the "make installworld" backup tapes are
the only way of taking the system back to its previous state.

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