At 03:12 PM 03/24/2001, Will Andrews wrote:
>On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 03:11:54PM -0500, Dennis wrote:
> > Most drivers are written without full docs. Intel supplied drivers for
> > linux are available for both eepro100 and gigabit cards. The info is out
> > there. Cobbling together the info to produce a driver...THATS what open
> > source is all about.
> > Im not an "open-source" developer. but then again, you knew that. Plus I
>If you're not an opensource developer, then you don't know what yer
>talking about.  Why do you even bother subscribing to any freebsd lists
>if you aren't going to adopt any sort of opensource behavior?

Is being an "open-source" developer now a necessary condition for being a 
"hacker" or "developer"?

You academics crack me up. You have it completely backwards. Most 
open-source people dont know what they are talking about. This conversation 
about intel is like a bunch of women discussing what its like to be hit in 
the balls. its downright comical. They are in the business of making money. 
If you think they dont know the exact impact of releasing the information 
then you need to get out of your cubical a hell of a lot more.

For your info, Bub, what makes the BSD license attractive is its usability 
by commercial vendors, so maybe you should go play in Linuxland  because 
you are the one in the wrong camp, not me. the ability to take code, fix it 
and incorporate it into a product WITHOUT giving back source is the ENTIRE 
CONCEPT of the BSD license.

And why does all of your email have that stupid attachment? Whats the 
matter, cant figure out how to use an open-source mailer? :-)


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