On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Mike Silbersack wrote:

> The current scheme causes problems with TIME_WAIT recycling, which may
> cause long delays in establishing new connections if you're connection to
> the same host rapidly enough to cause TIME_WAIT recycling to be an issue.
> This is why there's a huge spike only when you get to 1000 hits/second.

No, maybe I wasn't clear. I didn't get 1000 hits/sec, what I said was that
I measured the time a page needs to be loaded after the program had made
1000 hits to Zope (so that it would be a bit a loaded).

Also I don't know if this is caused by TIME_WAIT because when I do a
netstat I don't see a lot of connections on TIME_WAIT

Actually I think it has to do with the threads library (see my other mail
on that)

> There could be other reasons, of course, but this will overshadow the
> others.  I tested your test program with apache, and the change is
> noticeable.  So, hold off on further testing until later this week.
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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