:On Sunday, 23rd September 2001, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
:>Things to look out for:
:>1. !ufs filesystems
:I am irredeemably slack for not testing this a lot but...
:I believe I saw bad interactions between vmiodirenable and isofs on 4.3-R.
:I mounted a CD, looked at stuff on it, did a lot of other work, went back
:to the CD and files were screwy (files contained the contents of other
:files, files were zero size).  I unmounted and remounted the CD and
:everything was fine.  The machine is a reliable old workhorse, and has
:no hardware errors.
:Since then, I've not had a chance to go back and check.  It's only because
:you are making vmiodirenable the default that I'm mentioning it.  Sorry
:for not making a proper bug report containing actual facts. :-(

    Hmm.  Well, if someone can reproduce the problem it sounds like it
    ought to be easy to track down.  I am somewhat skeptical that 
    vmiodirenable could cause that but I suppose it's possible.


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