On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 11:15:23AM -0600, D J Hawkey Jr wrote:
> I could maintain a "not-FreeBSD-sanctioned" site for patches of -CURRENT
> and -STABLE code applyable to previous releases, but that would only muddy
> the FreeBSD maintenance and distribution waters that I think work well for
> what they're intended to address, as well as open myself up to all sorts
> of support and maintenance headaches.

Actually, that's probably the best thing you could do.  Because then it
shows that you've got the commitment to do this sort of thing and
maintain it.  

The project isn't short of people having good ideas, it's short of
people willing to do the actual work.  If you do this, and show that the
idea is viable, it will be much easier to come back in a few months time
to get these patches integrated in to the various RELENG_* branches, and
to bring you in as a committer.

I'm sure we can make sure that any site you set up to do this is linked
to from the FreeBSD web site.

FreeBSD: The Power to Serve             http://www.freebsd.org/
FreeBSD Documentation Project           http://www.freebsd.org/docproj/

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