On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> After searching the archives and looking at the source, I find
> myself more confused.  I've been asked to set up sendmail + ssl +
> SMTP auth on a FreeBSD host.
> A quick "strings" on the sendmail binary shows a number of SSL
> functions, so I'm thinking the SSL bits are in there, but I'm not
> quite sure how to take advantage of them.  Issuing "AUTH" to a
> stock -STABLE sendmail gets command unrecognized though, so I don't
> think that is there.

Do you have this in /etc/make.conf?

# Add SMTP AUTH support to Sendmail
SENDMAIL_CFLAGS+=       -I/usr/local/include/sasl -DSASL -D_FFR_UNSAFE_SASL
SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS+=      -L/usr/local/lib
SENDMAIL_LDADD+=        -lsasl

In sendmail.mc:

in /usr/local/lib/sasl/Sendmail.conf:
pwcheck_method: shadow

This will at least give you AUTH.
(I think you need to install ports/security/cyrus-sasl to make it work,
but I'm not sure).

> If no one else has figured this mess out, I'll do it and write a
> page for the handbook. If someone else has, please clue me in, and
> if necessary I'll still write that handbook page. :-)  It would be
> very nice if it was simple to make FreeBSD sendmail SSL and
> authenticate against the password file.


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