On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 11:08:06AM +0100, Martin Kaeske wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using FreeBSD-4.4-STABLE and have an OpenBSD-2.9 router to
> connect to the internet (via DSL). If i try to do a cvsup
> (cvsup.de.freebsd.org, cvsup2.de.freebsd.org, cvsup.freebsd.org)
> i'm getting a lot of "icmp: Destination unreachable, need to frag
> <mtu 1488>" messages and cvsup fails (timeout). The curious thing
> is if i disable net.inet.tcp.path_mtu_discovery or if i lower the
> MTU to 1488, everything is fine (of course). 
> That's why i wanted to ask wether FreeBSD fails to lower the MTU
> (it should lower it due to the icmp messages, shouldn't it?) or
> is there any pppoe specific problem between me and the cvsup servers?
> Martin
> PS: AFAICS cvsup is the only problem ftp/http/nntp works fine

You have not, by any chance, firewalled ICMP replies, have you -
either outgoing on the router, or incoming on the FreeBSD box?


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