Looks like I stumped freebsd-questions, anyone else care to take a whack at

Joshua Coombs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Predius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 11:47 PM
Subject: Diskless USB Issue

> I'm working on setting up a Compaq iPaq for netbooting, and have run into
> small problem that's got me stumped.
> My Setup:
> Parasite (iPaq): 32MB Compact Flash card, formated as a FAT fs, loads DOS,
> and uses dosboot.com (from netbsd) to load a freebsd kernel on the
> filesystem.
> The kernel is built for bootp, and specifically has bootp wired to aue0.
> When booting, all is good, usb is detected, aue0 is detected, and it
> attempts to do bootp.  Problem is at no point in time does the unit detect
> link, causing dhcp to just repeatedly timeout.
> I've observed this system when netbooting via a NetBSD kernel, and see
> similar behavior, the link isn't autodetected till it actually starts
> sending bootp requests.  (It's a Linksys USB100TX Ver B1 btw).  Is there
> way to hardwire a media setting in the kernel to get around this?
> And for those rolling their eyes at this arrangement, it's actually
> pretty good under netbsd right now, which is what I use to transfer
> to the CF media as I'm too lazy to get a usb cf reader for my desktop.
> Considering USB is only going to get more and more popular, might as well
> start playing with it, right? : )
> Joshua Coombs

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