On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:

> Robert Watson wrote:
> > "System programming is hard, let's go shopping".
> This is exactly the phrase that comes to mind every time someone yanks
> the plug on a service they are afraid might one day have an exploit
> found for it. 

This isn't about yanking services based on blind speculation; this is
about managing risk.  We ship a system that has a "moderate" risk
trade-off: we focus efforts on reducing risk in two ways.  First, we
evaluate the risk of components of the system, and focus security
development efforts on improving those areas.  Second, we evaluate the
risk of these same components, and select system defaults in a manner that
selects a reasonable balance of service and risk.  This is why we've made
the following classes of changes: 

- Changes to address specific known vulnerabilities (performed in a
  cooperative manner between the security-officer and the broader
  developer community) 
- Changes to reduce the privilege level required for management and
  monitoring applications (largely present in 5.0)
- Re-implementation of core authentication components that were previously
  poorly integrated (PAM, ...)
- Investment in improved network stack safety and firewall implementation
  (DARPA/NAI Labs have a contract with Jonathan Lemon that includes time
  spent specifically on investigating risks in the IP stack, and reducing
  them).  There's also contract work to Jonathan Lemon to implement
  improved network crypto hardware integration, which he has a prototype
  of and will hopefully post when he's back from his current hiatus.
- Evaluation of the focus of past vulnerabilities, including their source
  in the system code, the criticallity of the vulnerability, and the
  exposure associated with each vulnerability.  This includes some time
  spent looking at how quickly various sorts of vulnerabilities tend to
  occur following releases, etc.
- Investment in new policies and architectures improving flexibility for
  the administrator.

Security is an area of active development in the FreeBSD Project, and we
seem to have a strong grasp of a number of areas of the field.

> > Someone who's unaware or unwilling to address security issues will *still*
> > be safer if we provide a safer system.  If they are going maliciously out
> > of their way, sure, there will be problems, but if they don't need telnet,
> > and we disable telnet by default, we have actually produced a safer system
> > for them.  And if they do need telnet, it's easy to turn on.
> "Securing telnet is hard; let's turn it off and go shopping".  8-). 

Or maybe,

  Few people use telnet any more, so we'll spend some time fixing it, but
  we'll also disable it by default, since many of the reports of
  compromise come from people who weren't even using it, but left it
  turned on since it was the default.

> > I think you've correctly identified an area where a lot of future security
> > work is needed.  However, that doesn't negate the need for security work
> > in the base system, because without a secure base system, you're building
> > everything else on sand.  If you have the time and resources to spend
> > helping to kick KDE and its related dependencies into shape, I welcome
> > your doing that.  It's something I haven't had time to work with yet, but
> > have definite future plans to do.
> No one has *that* much time.  Auditing that code base would be on the
> order of the difficulty of auditing Windows, and we have the source code
> the KDE. 

Certainly an in depth audit of something with the size and complexity of
KDE will be a challenge; however, there's a lot of work that can be done
without doing it line-by-line.

> I agree that the base system needs to be secure, but I think you either
> trust your security model, or you don't: X11 *does* have a security
> model, even if it doesn't encrypt all the traffic over all its
> connections by default.  If the security model is flawed, then it needs
> to be fixed, not turned off. 

Security models and vulnerabilities aren't necessarily related issues. 
Sure, a good model helps in the event there is a vulnerability, but having
a good model doesn't mean you'll be invulnerable to implementation flaws,
flaws in the model, etc.  Personally, I had nothing to do with the choice
to turn off X11, but with it now changed, I'm happy with the change.
Personally, I'd recommend using SSH and letting it take care of the

> I think it's a lot worse to leave a vulnerable telnetd turned off by
> default but available to be turned on, than to have one that's
> non-vulnerable turned on by default.

Yeah, the great thing about vulnerabilities is that if you knew they were
there you would most likely have fixed them before you released the
product.  Conservative defaults help you with risk you believe is present,
but where you can't necessarily make the material improvement that you'd
like to.  In the case of telnetd, we accept that the risk exists, we
attempt to improve the software, but because it's less and less frequently
used and represents an attack channel for a variety of attacks, we disable
it by default, but provide an easy way to re-enable it.

> The fear that someone is going to find a vulnerability should be
> balanced by the idea that someone is going to fix it, not balanced by
> the idea that that you can hide the vulnerability by not running the
> vulnerable code, "mostly". 

The reality is that reducing exposure is an important part of any security
posture.  Any additional exposure increases risk, no matter how minutely. 
If handled carefully, the risk of vulnerability are low: the chances are
small one would be found, and/or the effects of the vulnerability may be
contained.  However, services that provide full authentication and
credential management (such as telnetd) do badly on both fronts: the
complexity and age of the code is high, and the involvement of the code in
security subsystems is high.  The accepted practice in the security
community is to disable services presenting risk until they are necessary. 
The practical mapping of such a policy into FreeBSD is that inetd might be
on by default, but all services in it would be disabled by default. 
Services would then be selectively enabled as they are needed.  This is
what happens in 5.0-CURRENT; recently there was some discussion regarding
whether an MFC was appropriate, but I'm not sure that has worked itself
out yet.  5.0-RELEASE will represent a good breaking point for that kind
of change.

> I guess this is a basica philosophical difference: IMO, exposure equals
> the probability of a fix.  Turning things off belongs in the firewall
> code.

In my opinion, we should focus both on reducing exposure and improving the
code.  I personally have tried to impact both sides of the balance, and
would encourage others to do so also :-).

> FWIW: I wouldn't object to a firewall rule that disallowed remote TCP
> connections to the X server by default, if the firewall is enabled.  I
> think we already have this... 

The firewall code serves a useful function, but one of its great
detriments is a lack of application awareness.  The current placement of
the policy seems most reasonable to me, but might be supplemented by such
a rule if desired.

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Project
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      NAI Labs, Safeport Network Services

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