On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:

> It has functionality that can not be implemented without adding to
> how UNIX does things.  Basically, it needs to be able to hook the
> account constructor/destructor.

It's quite simple to integrate Cyrus IMAP with the local system.
Cyrus will by default use the system password database for its
authentication, all that is left is to write up a script to your
liking to manage the IMAP folders (I wrote one in PERL using the
IMAP::Admin and Mail::IMAPClient modules, but please don't ask me for
them, I'm not that proud of them :-).  You can hook that script in to
whatever you're using to create the system user accounts.  In the near
future, however, I plan to move the authentication database into LDAP
and have Cyrus use that so that I can get rid of all of the local
system accounts which are there for nothing other than authentication
(the shells are just /sbin/nologin).

All in all, I love the Cyrus design, and it hasn't given me a bit of
trouble in over 6 years.  It makes doing a secure "black-box" mail
server very easy.

 Chris Dillon - cdillon(at)wolves.k12.mo.us - cdillon(at)inter-linc.net
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