On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 04:18:38PM -0400, Bosko Milekic wrote:
>   Interesting.  How would you have a key bound sequence in mutt set off
> the script on the message, though?  For instance, if I do a "ctrl+B", how
> would you ensure that the Right Thing happens, without modifying mutt
> code?

Like this:

    # Urlview
    macro index \cv |urlview\n
    macro pager \cv |urlview\n    

    # Hot keys
    macro index \cn l~N\n
    macro index \ca lall\n

That fragment from my .muttrc says that control-v is used to invoke the
script urlview (which is in the ports and produces a list of urls in the
email message, and allows me to selection one which gets piped to a
browser).  I've also go ctrl-N and ctrl-A set for each message


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