Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> On Monday,  8 July 2002 at 14:46:29 -0700, Kent Stewart wrote:

> > All of the manufacturers have a program that will do that. Many of
> > them even produce a bootable floppy. Check their support web page.
> I went looking for format utilities and didn't find anything.  Finally
> I stuck the disk in an old 486 with a format utility in the BIOS, and
> that worked (fortunately the damage was below the 504 MB boundary :-).
> While looking at these format programs, I gained the distinct
> impression that they didn't really format.  The description was too
> vague to make it clear just what they did do, though.  Quite possibly
> it's the same as dd if=/dev/zero, and it just relocates the logical
> sectors.

Once in 1996 I had a Western Digital IDE disk that developed bad
sectors on it. Rewriting it (doing dd) did not help. The BIOS format 
did not help. But when I returned this disk to the dealer they ran 
some low-level format after which the errors were gone and the 
disk worked happily ever after. So apparently they are not the same.


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