At 11:58 10/08/2002 -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
>Colin Percival wrote:
> > Files which are always the same size, but seem to have completely different
> > contents:
> > /usr/share/games/fortune/*.dat
> > /var/games/phantasia/void
>This is disturbing.

   Upon further investigation, it turns out that the fortune files vary 
because `strfile` is instructed to randomize the order of the fortunes; as 
far as I can tell, this serves no purpose since `fortune` picks a random 
fortune anyway.  (Two line patch to /usr/src/games/fortune/datfiles/Makefile)
   /var/games/phantasia/void is explicitly randomly generated; I'm not sure 
what purpose it serves.

>For library files, there's nothing you can do, since it's the
>archive date, and .o files are assembled from multiple source
>Some of the generated files with timestamps really want to use
>the timestamp of the modification date of the sources, rather
>than the creation date of hte object.
>Correcting this is relatively minor; it's one of the reasons I
>suggested NFS mounting the sources; I imagine you would have a
>much worse time otherwise.

   Actually I didn't NFS mount the sources, since I didn't understand how 
that would help.  I'll try that and see if there it makes any difference.

>The hardest part has got to be the archive
>files; I don't see how it could be avoided, without destroying
>information, at least in the archive update case, and probably
>in the archive recreation from object files case.

   Could someone point me towards information on what these values are used 

Colin Percival

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