# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-09-23 10:06:12 -0400:
> On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Roman Neuhauser wrote:

> > I'm not a C programmer (thus not really familiar with make), and I'm
> > trying to use it for project management (we write apps in php). I've
> > stumbled across a few variable related issues where the actual behavior
> > doesn't exactly map to the available documentation (make(1), and the
> > pmake paper). See the messages below for complete descriptions.

> > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=freebsd-questions&m=103250565427752&w=2
> > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=freebsd-questions&m=103251441702280&w=2
> You're trying to treat the make variables as program variables, and that
> doesn't work, once you assign a value to them, that's the value you get.
> They *do not* work like variables in C or Basic.  The rule to follow is
> never to attempt to modify a value in a variable.  If you need that
> specific action, either use the ".for" type constructs, else use shell
> variables, which will let you do that.


    thanks a lot for your reply. You're right: I'm viewing Makefiles
    as sequential programs, which obviously (even to me) is not quite
    true, but I'm having difficulty getting rid of this.

    Now, saying "don't do it" is nice, but I'd like to know why.  Why
    doesn't this work?  Also, what documentation (besides the source) is
    there that covers variable scopes?  See the second message for the
    problem description.
    I can fix the behavior with conditional assignment to DESTDIR (?=)
    in the Makefile, but still would like to understand what's causing
    make to behave the way it does.

    Again, thanks, and HAND.

    Also, I couldn't find on freebsd.org whether it's required to
    group-reply on hackers@ (as it is on questions@), so I'm cc'ing you.
    Sorry if this is not required. You don't need to cc me either way.


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