In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tim Kientzle cleopede:
>Terry Lambert wrote:
>> Tim Kientzle wrote:
>>>I'm trying to figure out how to read and use
>>>/etc/rc.conf configuration variables from within
>>>a C program. 
>>      #!/bin/sh
>>      # Throw all of rc.conf into the environemnet so a C program
>>      # named "fred" can read any of them with "getenv".
>>      . /etc/rc.conf
>>      fred
>This doesn't work.  /etc/rc.conf does not export
>its variables to the environment.  It only sets them in the
>local shell.  Try the above where 'fred' is
>   #!/bin/sh
>   printenv
>and you'll see what I mean.

Try using the "set -a" command before reading rc.conf and
it will work:


        set -a
        . /etc/rc.conf
        exec yourprog

Greg Shenaut

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