On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 03:37:29PM +0100, Ferruccio Vitale wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a little multithread program: in my thread function, I allocated a char 
> variable of IP_MAXPACKET size; when I try to compile it, everything goes well, but 
> when I run it, it dies, making a core file. 
> Assume that:
> 1) the same code, with only one thread, linked to libc, runs normally
> 2) the same code, with a smaller variable size, linked to libc_r, runs normally
> 3) I tried to allocate two variables of 64000 bytes in this function (IP_MAXPACKET 
> is equal to 65535), linked to libc_r and runs normally
> Where am I wrong? :))

It would be very hard to say, without seeing your program and,
if possible, the output of a gdb session which shows where
exactly the program dies.


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