Quoting Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Give him a commit bit, and he can quickly grind through all the
> PR's that already have diff's attached to them, and have just sat
> there forever.

I have taken a look at the PR list before, but I get depressed when I look at
some of the requests.  Some requests don't look very hard, but they require
hardware that I don't have.  How do you guys go about handling bug fixes if you
don't happen to have certain hardware that someone else may have?

Also, when you're working on a PR, do you roll your OS version back to whatever
the PR requires?  If so, do you just cvsup downgrade your source and "make
buildworld... etc"?

I have lots of interest in beginning some simple tasks with the kernel, but
it's quite difficult to know where to start.  I'm good at C/C++ and have taken
an OS course; I just don't know how this particular kernel works on most levels.

Many thanks,
Mike Grim

PS - Terry, I'm sorry for sending this to you directly.  It was my fault for 
not realizing it didn't go to -hackers.

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