On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 12:44:01PM -0500, soupman wrote:
> Hello.  I am getting the following error when attempting an FTP install
> from a Windows machine:
> Cannot parse information file for the bin distribution: I/O error. Please
> verify that your media is valid and try again.

How did you originally put the files on the Windows machine?  Are they
on a CD there, or did you download them from some FTP site?

If you downloaded them via FTP, is it possible that you have downloaded
them in ASCII, not binary, mode?  If this is so, the files would be
corrupted, since the FTP transfer in ASCII mode would have placed a lot
of CR characters before every LF character in the file, and those are
definitely not needed (and harmful) for the binary tar/gzip archives
used for the FreeBSD distribution.

In short, if you originally downloaded the files from some FreeBSD
mirror via FTP, you'll have to fetch them again, this time telling your
FTP client to use binary, not ASCII, mode for the transfer.

Hope this helps.


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