
Thanks Dan. This is the best. I also tried using kvm, but code is longer and the program shall run as root. I'm working on a daemon which shall evaluate CPU load and SHALL not run as root.

Best regards,


Dan Nelson wrote:
In the last episode (Apr 02), Dag-Erling Smorgrav said:

Jose Marcio Martins da Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Someone can send some pointers on how to measure global CPU load under
FreeBSD from a C program ? I'm looking for values for
idle/kernel/user, in a similar way as does top. Is there any pointer
or doc ?. I'd like to avoir browsing top code.

Use sysctlbyname(3) to retrieve vm.loadavg, which is a struct loadavg (defined in <sys/resource.h>)

Actually the kern.cp_time variable might be better if you want
idle/kernel/user values. It returns a long cp_time[CPUSTATES]; the
states are listed in <sys/resource.h>.  Top calculates percentages by
keeping the previous interval values, calculating diffs, totaling up
the diffs, and setting percentage[cpustate] = diff[cpustate]/totaldiff.

-- --------------------------------------------------------------- Jose Marcio MARTINS DA CRUZ Tel. :(33) Ecole des Mines de Paris http://j-chkmail.ensmp.fr 60, bd Saint Michel http://www.ensmp.fr/~martins 75272 - PARIS CEDEX 06 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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