On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some background...

For the past three years I have been developing a Forth compiler for Linux.
The kernel to my compiler is written in 100% pure assembler using NASM.
The object code produced is almost identical to what the Forth compiler
itself would produce were it were used to compile its own sources (some
I accomplish this via liberal use of NASM macros.

All I/O etc is accomplished using Linux syscalls, no external libraries
referenced.  Linux is my BIOS :)

The problem...

I consider Isforth to be a worthy project, worthy enough to be ported to
other processors and other operating systems.  The PPC port is being done
by a friend of mine and is almost complete.  The FreeBSD port has been
complete" for about EIGHT months. I am currenty at a complete loss as
how to fix the problem (even though i think i know what it is!) :/

One of the things that my compiler has to do is switch stdin out of canoniacal
mode and switch off echo.  In Linux the ioctl is working - in fbsd its

have you get a look to freebsd ioctl request codes? they differ from Linux
and FreeBSD.

Im almost posative that i am passing correct values to the syscall yet
is still buffered after the call and is still echoing. I would truely
to get this up and running in FBSD but am in dire need of help.  Im told
that if anyone can help me YOU guys can (blame samy for getting you into
this :)...

If you don't find a solution giving a look to tcsetattr(3) implementation for FreeBSD could be a good idea.

Especially cfmakeraw().

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