For the last couple of days i have been looking into why the
gnustep-gui-port actually Needs procfs mounted in order to
successfully build and i managed to track the problem down to being
inside libkvm. I am however no kernel hacker and my gdb-skills have
left me hanging at a point where i simply can't manage to actually
debug the libkvm code itself. (NSProcessInfo is compiled using libkvm
instead of the procfs code)

If somebody could have a closer look at this for me ... or provide me
some more details on how i can go about actually getting gdb to let me
debug Inside libkvm so i can gather some additional details that would
be highly appreciated.

The actual nature of the problem turns out to be the following however:

GNUstep apparently uses a gcc-extension to load certain code before
the program actually reaches its "main()" function ... it uses this to
allow GNUstep's NSProcessInfo class to gather a program's environment
and commandline arguments before its main() routine gets a chance at
potentially clobering this information.

The function that does this +[NSProcessInfo load]  is in itself
straight C, so you shouldn't need any actual Objective-C knowledge.
(+[NSProcessInfo load] means the class-method load (indicated by the
+) of class NSProcessInfo)

The following URL is a link to the relevant revision in gnustep's
cvs-tree of the NSProcessInfo class [

The function-call inside the load-method that actually triggers the
/proc groveling seems to be kvm_getargv (at line 406).

According to the kvm_getprocs, kvm_getargv and kvm_getenvv only
kvm_getenvv depends on a working /proc ... however from my own
observations both kvm_getenvv and kvm_argvv return the result of
kvm_doargv() ... which under certain conditions seems to call
kvm_uread() which in turn is responsible for the observed /proc

What i have been able to establish for any GNUstep-application so far
is that the second the size of its "command" + "length of its argument
list" (not including the whitespace between command and start of
argument list) exceeds 242 bytes ... the /proc groveling occurs ...
which most likely means the conditional under which kvm_uread is
invoked is met.

As long as the size of "command" + "argumentlist" remains below (or
equals) this 242 byte threshold .. everything works as expected.

The reason the gnustep-gui port triggers this error is because it
tries to build  documentation on default (it gets REINPLACEd from no
to yes) ... and since the commandline required to perform this action
Obviously exceeds this 242 character threshold .. experiences the
problem described above.

I guess to sum it all up it all boils down to the following question.

Is it intended that kvm_getargv() apparently has a conditional under
which it depends on the existince of a working /proc .. even though
the manpage states this condition is only present for kvm_getenvv ?

And if kvm_getargv should not depend on /proc ... how can we go about
to fixing this as this is apprently only the case for "short
commandlines" in our current implementation.

With Kind Regards,
  Pascal Hofstee

P.S.: This is as experienced on a recent 6.0-CURRENT system .. though
the problem is Known to exist on 5.x as well.
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