> > When quickly connecting/disconnecting
> i guess you mean here unplug the keyboard and then immediately plug it 
> back, right?

I mean plug in / plug out, repeat for ever.

> can you tell what value "pipe" handle has? i suspect its NULL


> can you tell what value "iface" handle has? i suspect its NULL


> thats ok. splusb is defined as splbio

oh, ok.

> what is your usb controller? uhci/ohci? what chip?


AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V)

> please compile kernel with DIAGNOSTIC and USB_DEBUG. then try to adjust 
> various "debug" knobs with sysctl(8) to get debug traces. at this point 
> it looks like a race condition of some sort (to me).

ok, I'll try this.
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