On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 11:57:21PM +0930, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> On Friday 16 September 2005 23:42, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > > I'd be *very* suprised..
> > > I expect he just downloaded an RPM from somewhere..
> >
> > It's probably just not having linux.ko/linprocfs.ko loaded.
> >
> >   $ kldstat
> >   Id Refs Address    Size     Name
> >    1    1 0xc0400000 498518   kernel
> >   $ /usr/compat/linux/bin/ls
> >   ELF binary type "0" not known.
> >
> >   $ sudo kldload linux.ko
> >   $ kldstat
> >   Id Refs Address    Size     Name
> >    1    5 0xc0400000 498518   kernel
> >    2    1 0xc2a1a000 16000    linux.ko
> >   $ /usr/compat/linux/bin/ls /bin
> >   basename  chgrp  cp    echo   fgrep  ls     mv    rm     setserial  stty 
> >  true bash      chmod  date  egrep  grep   mkdir  nice  rmdir  sh        
> > sync   uname bash2     chown  dd    false  ln     mknod  pwd   rpm    sleep
> >      touch
> Wow that's weird..
> I wonder why that happens?

What is weird?  The fact that if linux.ko is not loaded, the kernel
does not know what to do with an unknown ELF binary type? :)

What I find weird is the fact that as soon as linux.ko is loaded,
the kernel "learns" to treat type 0 binaries as type 3; but this is
probably because Daniel Eischen has at some earlier time set
the kern.fallback_elf_brand sysctl to 3.


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